The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
No One Owns You - Tina Tuner's Sovereignty

No One Owns You - Tina Tuner's Sovereignty

Take this one potent step to reclaiming yours

In this potent episode, Julie unpacks one of the most disempowering money identities women carry, the idea that someone owns us.  

Far too often women shrink themselves to fit someone else's ideal as a way to keep a job, please other people or get paid.

We do that even when we are in business for ourselves.  The conditioning says that someone or something outside of us is our source and supply.  

We don’t see ourselves as resourced enough to get paid the kind of money that would allow us to give back beyond paying the bills.

Tina Turner was not only a music icon and legend, she was a pioneer for feminine power. 

She faced her most formidable foe, her husband Ike, and took her stage name and left all the assets behind.

She walked into that courtroom with sovereignty and asked for her freedom.  She knew her life depended on it. 

Listen in to learn how you can take your sovereignty back and step into your feminine freedom.

It’s time for us to live our lives on terms that work for us where we see ourselves as able to financially resource our needs.


The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Raising women's prosperity consciousness and embodying financial empowerment so we can co-create a thriving planet together.