The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Say YES to Your SOUL-work with Tessa Alburn

Say YES to Your SOUL-work with Tessa Alburn

Three keys to living on purpose and moving through any spiritual speed bumps.


This is HOT!  Tessa has been a friend of mine for years and is one of the most genuine spiritual practitioners I know.

Her level of integrity and spiritual prowess is impressive.  She has a new take on how to stop making yourself wrong and start seeing any success bumps as a spiritual plateau.  

She shares what to do about that and how to be living on purpose doing your SOUL-work.  Any woman who identifies with the feminine and cares about serving others, will want to listen to this.

Tessa shares tools and resources for getting back on track with your values intact.

This is one of those episodes that will keep you going, get you thinking and support your on-going growth.


With much love and many blessings.



The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Raising women's prosperity consciousness and embodying financial empowerment so we can co-create a thriving planet together.