The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Step Into Your Bigger Vision With Book Expert Cathy Derksen

Step Into Your Bigger Vision With Book Expert Cathy Derksen

Discover how to boost your visibility and increase your influence with becoming a renowned author.

Listen, we are women right? We have a lot to say and we’ve earned the right to say it.

Cathy is a friend of mine and she is always looking for authors and has an incredible vision for women getting their wisdom out into the world using books in creative ways.

She has been the brains behind many international best sellers. In this quick interview, she shares the vision of what’s possible for women’s success when they step into a bigger vision.


The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Raising women's prosperity consciousness and embodying financial empowerment so we can co-create a thriving planet together.