The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
The Wheel Of Prosperity - The Secret To Having Significant Impact

The Wheel Of Prosperity - The Secret To Having Significant Impact

Discover the eight aspects of prosperity, when flowing together, give you the ability to have significant impact and accelerate your income so you can have more than enough to give back.

What if prosperity is much more than you think it is?

A few months ago I was talking to my Asterian Astrologer…which is based on India’s view of astrology…much different than western astrology.

In my reading he kept saying, “in the hindu tradition, they believe prosperity is all aspects of your life flowing together”.  

That stuck with me.  I kept thinking about that and it hit me that we needed a visual or a model to actually be able to visualize prosperity as a cycle of flow.  

Something inside started humming and I realized that all of the “money” things I get asked about could come together.

Things like:

-passion & purpose

-self trust



-significant impact

-earning power

-financial security

-philanthropy or giving back

Woohoo…the circle of prosperity was born! 

The graphic is above. Take a minute to study it.  

Prosperity is a cycle, it’s a flow, it moves in a circle.  It’s when all these aspects come together.

In my years of working with many women, when these things come together, they get on the front side of financial success.  

They boost their earning power, are able to create sustainable income and eventually reach financial security.

As you know, I am a huge stand for this generation of women to avoid falling into the margins or stepping into financial potholes while trying to grow a business. 

When we commit to mastering the wheel of prosperity, we end up being financially rewarded for our gifts.  

And that is one of the biggest up-levels for the feminine that I know of!

Of the eight areas listed on the wheel, where are you seeing room for improvement?  Where do you want to grow?

Post a reply as I would love to hear what opened for you in seeing this idea of the circle of prosperity.

With much love and many blessings,



The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Raising women's prosperity consciousness and embodying financial empowerment so we can co-create a thriving planet together.