The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Three Steps To Creating An Empowered Money Identity

Three Steps To Creating An Empowered Money Identity

For too long women have been identified with narratives of how we are supposed to stay small and not be in an evolved relationship with money. Take these steps to shift your consciousness.

We are in an evolutionary quickening.  Things have sped up so we would speed up.  

Meaning, we would get on with our evolution already and raise human consciousness.  Because that is what it is going to take to shift things on the planet.

I know you feel the ecological grief, the suffering, and the big social shifts happening.  It’s good.  

It’s also disrupting our norms and that feels like an imbalance where we cannot find our footing.

But there is really good news.  WE ARE EVOLVING!

As women, we need to take steps to evolve beyond the conditioned norms and narratives that are keeping us from naming our gifts, actually walking through the door of visibility and going public, asking for money for our sacred work and becoming financially empowered.

There is a lot of talk about money stories.  

But it’s deeper than that.  

It’s about the automatic money identity that took root in our consciousness such that anytime we try to grow ourselves, be visible, serve and desire money, we get stuck and stopped.

In today’s episode, discover the hidden archetypes in the societal narrative that create insidious and disempowering money identities.  

Learn the first three steps you can take to break up this conditioning and find a new identity that lights you up.

Please share this with others because healing our money identities is a woman’s issue and we each have to do our own work and do our work as a collective in service to the greater consciousness shift.  

Let’s evolve forward into our power.

A quick story…when I was getting ready to leave corporate, people asked me where I was going to get money, how I was going to make it.  They didn’t know that I was wealth building the entire time I was there so I had more than enough to never work again.  

I had a big aha when I realized that I was the talent and when I left, the talent went with me.  That my gifts are my source and supply.  

The job was not my source and supply.  Yeah they gave me something to offer to my clients, but without me, that bridge between the service offer and the money coming in, was me.

You are the talent.  And no one owns you.  You are in charge of how you relate to money and get to decide if you are willing to be free enough.  Are you?

With much love and many blessings,


Please share and let’s do this together!


The Prosperous Feminine
The Prosperous Feminine Podcast
Raising women's prosperity consciousness and embodying financial empowerment so we can co-create a thriving planet together.